A person's time as a student is one of the most beautiful and memorable experiences of their life. But to carry out all these projects students have first to develop a sense of nationalism and patriotism. Remove illiteracy by arranging camps during holidays in the villages or the urban ‘bastis’ and try to make at least five illiterates literate five to one as the ratio. But all this can be done only if students realize their potential and have in them an urge and a zeal towards service of the country. He is also a part time teacher, author and a web developer. He has wrote blogs on many debating topics such as Online Earning, Websites Reviews etc. It’s really beneficial to work with an adult who already works for an issue which you are concerned about.
Some innocent people lose their lives, their properties, and their loved ones too. Now that we know the qualities of a brilliant teacher, let us look at how a teacher can influence a student’s life towards something positive. Outstanding teachers are https://indianbabynameslist.in/ superb communicators and they can talk afresh with the students and analyze the issues they might go through. Being a skilled teacher needs the person to be very compassionate not only towards the students but to his colleagues, staff, and parents.
Education India
Students need to be guided to pick the best career that suits their talent, skill and give them the best platform to expose themselves without any inhibition. There are so many options available and for an inexperienced student that it becomes really difficult to steer their career in the right direction. Should be impartial, he/she must treat all the students equally. They can take part in various volunteer organizations for the nation and help in improving the underdeveloped areas of the country.
This possible only if all of them are together and their energy and power is utilized properly. The students should know that they must have noble causes and aim so that they can use their energy in the right way. All the citizens of our country are proud of our rich cultural heritage. But when we think about how much progress the country is made, we get to know a lot of things. This does not mean that the students will stay alone. The students are taught that honesty is the best policy. They must be disciplined, obedient and cooperate with all the people.
Reading books can builds the understanding and awareness of students in different situation. Books increase the knowledge of students and improve their intellect. They reveal the different concepts and introduce the numerous shades of culture of the world. Reading books makes students aware of the various societies and civilizations across the globe. Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the experience of students and sharpen their intellect. There are many benefits of Reading books; students will get more knowledge, improve memory and build more vocabulary.
Role of Youth In Building A Nation
At the same time they should learn discipline, for both physical and moral development. They should be ready to serve their nation at the time of need. They should emerge as new ray of hope to streamline the process of national reconstruction. Education is a critical factor for the progress of an individual and the nation. It is about gathering knowledge and learning how to think and apply the knowledge to solve problems. In the modern-day world, where information dominates everyday life, it is important to be educated to understand the world.
It marks its beginning in our youth and continues to be a major part of our lives in the future. We grow as people, learn how to develop relationships, and understand the people around us much better when we reach our youth. Hope you liked this essay on role of students in eradication of drugs. Lack of self-confidence, excessive stress, peer pressure, etc. are major reasons for drug addiction in youths. Many parents have abdicated their roles as protectors and guardians and so students are free to do what they want.
There are wide-ranging educational choices, We will guide you on which course to pursue by helping you to do the research on all available courses. Take a look at the top ranked colleges & universities in Mangalore for various domains – engineering, medical and nursing studies, animation, fashion or business. We also get you updated about all the news, exams and events. As responsible citizens, students as a part of the community must navigate alternate ways of living, rising above gender, caste, religion and everything that holds us back.